Friday, January 4, 2013

Progress review.

1. Which materials and techniques have you experimented with during the this project? 
During this project I have experimented with a few techniques I have used before like digital vignetting as well as adding Instagram effects digitally. I prefer the digital outcomes to the man made/dark room outcomes.

2. Have you explored and developed your ideas imaginatively? How have you demonstrated this? (give examples, link to posts or include images) 
I started by developing ideas and experimented with techniques I have used before I then started looking at other ways of experimenting and found more tutorials to use on photoshop to enhance my digital photographs further. 

3. Have you research a diverse range of photography and completed this on your blog? Who have you analysed? is you analysis in-depth? (again give examples and link to posts) 
I researched a few different photographers when i strarted this project and a couple were great for inspiration. I especially liked the work of..... 

4. Have you explored a range of ideas around your theme within your experiments? What are they? How have they informed your ideas?
My theme for this project is Landscapes. I have to show this when experimenting and progressing through this project. All my images consists of landscapes and when enhancing them I thought of ways in which I can still include the surrounding areas.

5. Have you refined / developed your outcomes through experimentation? How? 
By experimenting with ideas I found there were some I preferred to others. I really liked the hand made experiment I created inspired by..... This looked great and I figured there was another way of doing this digitally using photoshop.

6. Have you annotated, in detail, your experiments and developments on your blog and used this information to help you improve?
Some of my experiments I have uploaded onto my blog have been fully annotated and look great. As I continued with my experimentations I did more details explanations on how I created them and how others might do so as well.

7. Which techniques / experiments have been most successful? Why?
Again in my opinion my most successful experiment is the piece inspired by... (LINK). As well as the digital Instagram effect so I think I might try to develop both together. I like these two the most as it shows two completely different methods but two that might combine well together.

8. Which techniques / experiments have been least successful? Why?

9. Which techniques / experiments will you be developing further for your final outcome? Why? 
My favourite experiment was the handmade piece inspired by.... I think this will be one that I will develop further. I will created a digital attempt and maybe it will be good enough to enhance a little further and use within my final pieces.

10. What else can you do to further develop the techniques / experiments you want to use for your final outcome? 
I have looked at some of my fellow colleagues work as well as artists and  photographers and this has also influenced me in my experimenting. I found that they have done some great experiments that I had not come across before and have since tried to create my own similar pieces.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jess - found an artist which would be good for you to look at.

    His names genadii berёzkin and have put a link to the work below.

    Check out the rest of his stuff on his Flickr page as it's quite similar to your Enhanced Image project and has some nice mixed-media work that you would benefit from exploring.

