Here I have started by printing photographs that I had taken related to the theme of Space. I printed them onto different types of paper like tracing paper and mathematical paper with squares on. Once I had printed them I went on to place them on different locations and photograph them so that I could show different ways of using spaces. However not only were the photographs about using space in different ways but also about possible ways I might want to display my final outcomes that would still match my chosen theme.
This one was printed onto squared mathematic paper. I like the way the squares show through some of the image where some colours are lighter then others. I displayed this photograph on a mirror so it does sort of look like it is floating.
I chose to print my photographs in both colour and black and white. By doing this as you can see from the photographs above I was then able to see where the light shines on the window leaving shadows. I also like the way the background from the two window photographs shows further space.
I like this idea - can you do it again somewhere else like outside? Be careful with your use of frame.